The City Repertory Theatre and the Legacy of the Palm Coast Arts Foundation

For those in the know, the Palm Coast Arts Foundation (PCAF) is a foundational group in the local arts and theater community, dedicated to bringing entertainment and cultural arts to the fine people of Palm Coast. And, this last week, after many years working with them via , I had the priveledge of being part of their last hurrah.

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For more than two decades, PCAF's work put them at the heart of arts and culture in Flagler County, Florida. Under the leadership of foundation president, Sam Perkovich, the group has worked extensively with City Repertory Theatre, a group you may know is extremely close to my heart, having taken to the stage for special showings of Tennessee Williams for them, over the years.

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It's through joint ventures like this and numerous others that these two wonderful groups have formed a lasting bond, one that I have been delighted to be a part of.

All of which brings us to a very special event last Thursday, June 20th, wherein PCAF handed over its legacy in a special event with City Repertory Theatre (CRT). Having been hit (like so many others) by the effects of COVID on the industry, PCAF have made the difficult decision to close their doors. They will be greatly missed, but many of their members have already pledge to spend their time helping other fledgeling theater groups in the area find their feet, so it's not like they'll be gone entirely.

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The event saw a gathering of several key PCAF and CRT board members, as well as featured actresses (including yours truly) to both celebrate their impeccable work but, also, to hand over a parting gift: an immensely generous $69,000 check made out to CRT.

It's safe to say the arts industry, like so many others, was heavily impacted by the advent of COVID-19, and this was certainly true in Florida as well. As events, businesses and locations shut down across the state, CRT worked closely with PCAFon a series of fantastic outdoor Shakespeare in the Park productions. These kinds of partnerships mean so much to people in our industry, and it certainly cemented PCAF as friends, allies, and lovers of the arts in our hearts and minds.

Amazing work, everyone. Onward and upward!

Annie Goes Ipanema!

If you've been anywhere near Florida, recently, you'll know things are getting hot!

While we are all in the midst of a summer scorcher, I thought I would bring some cool thoughts of swaying palm trees and island magic with this homage to composer Antonio Carlos Jobin and lyricist Vimicius de Moraes. For music lovers young and old, this bossanova classic is completely timeless. It certainly is for me.

So, this summer, sway cool, sway gently, and please: enjoy!

Choreographed by Bill Brown.

"Out Here On My Own"

A Look Back

You know, for an "industry triple threat" like myself, I realized today you don't get to see much of the third threat: my singing!

Let's take a look at one of my most recent performances, a rendition of the song "Out Here On My Own", a song that I absolutely love!

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DOA: The Movie

Now Streaming EVERYWHERE

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After its dazzling debut (read more here) earlier this year, I am thrilled to announce my latest film, DOA, is now available on major streaming networks!

Let's list them off, shall we?


Apple TV

Google Play



It is a tremendous pleasure to see mine and my castmates' hard work represented this way. Buy or rent it, today!

For these platforms and tons of extra content, simply follow this link.


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